The Bestiary
White indicates Normal Difficulty
Green shows Hard Difficulty
Yellow displays Nightmare Difficulty
Fate Spinner
Lv : 11 |
EXP: 22 |
STR: 100 / 120 / 145 |
DEF: 75 / 90 / 91 |
ATS: 0 / 0 / 0 |
ADF: 30 / 38 / 41 |
SPD: 15 / 18 / 21 |
HP: 508 / 609 / 736 |
A large monster lurking in the moutains. Attacks with surprising speed for its size.
x16 x1 x4 x2 x16 x4 x4
The Fate Spinner found in Ravennue Trail is the mini-boss you encounter during the Ravennue Monster mission. When it attacks, you will find yourself quickly taking damage while your physical attacks do very little against it. Switch over to using non-earth Arts and this huge beast will fall quickly. Fate Spinner also has a nasty habit of breaking your Art power-ups, meaning you will need to recast your Arts when that happens.
On Hard and Nightmare: This monster is a formidable enemy on these difficulties. High-level Time Arts are your best choice, especially Shadow Spear, which can outright kill the creature with a single attack. S-Crafts are also helpful if you find yourself near defeat.