Trails in the Sky: The Characters Trails in the Sky: The Bestiary Trails in the Sky: Items and Equipment Trails in the Sky: Legends and Lore Trails in the Sky: Locations and Maps Trails in the Sky: The Journey and Quests Trails in the Sky: The Story and Side Quests

The Characters


Trails in the Sky: Mirano

Mirano, daughter of Modena and Trino, is a Bose entrepreneur who has been trying to capitalize on the expected price increase after the queen's birthday, with the help of Simon, only to be pulled away after her father goes missing. Some people concider her the vice-mayor of Bose since she controls so much of the trade.

While some mistake her strong feelings about taking over her father's work as dislike for her dad, it is just her competitive streak taking control as she strives to be better than him.



Prologue: Sitting at one of the tables at Abend Bar in the City of Rolent.
Prologue (After Liberl Media): Unavailable.
Chapter 1 (Missing Airliner: At her home in the City of Bose.
Chapter 1 (Missing Airliner - After Haken): Near the fountain in the Bose Market in the City of Bose.
Chapter 1 (Missing Airliner - After Nial): At her home in the City of Bose.
Chapter 1 (South Block Burglary - part 2): In the Mayor's Office in the Bose Mayor's Residence.


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