Locations & Maps
Rolent Bracer Guild
Rolent Bracer Guild is the place of business for all of Rolent's Bracer activities, and is the location from which Estelle and Joshua gain their membership. Aina takes care of the front-end work such as receiving, distributing and rewarding contracts. Other local members include Cassius, Scherazard, and Ridge. This building will be the most frequented location during the Prologue section of Trails in the Sky.
Compared to guilds in other areas, the Rolent Bracer Guild has the least amount of quests due to it being part of the Prologue and training missions.
Rolent Bracer Guild Quests
Main Quests:
Training: Retrieval Child Rescue Perzel Farm Monsters Mayor Klaus' Request The Liberl Media Mayoral Theft
Side Quests:
Elize Highway Monster Find the Shiny Rock Lost Kitten Medical Necessities Milch Main Road Monster Mushroom Hunt Orbment Replacement Soldier Training