Beatrix is the mayor of Mayor of Fenith Island and the only adult in the De Sainte-Coquille on the island. Unlike many of the previous adults of this family, she is more adventurous, but still looking for the big score to make her family wealthy again. Still loves her food though.
Birthday: 20th of Winter
Gift Ideas:
Loves: Magic Crystal
Likes: Food
Hates: Glue
Are you all settled in here?
She will give you an opportunity to learn more about the island and its inhabitants.
Reward: Oven Recipes Lv S.
Defeat some monsters.
Show 5 High Orcs who is the greatest fighter.
Reward: Gyoza (1).
Island investigation.
Check out the area she marked on your map for a new island.
Reward: War Hammer .
Looking to buy materials.
Looking for an Earth Crystal for her Hammer.
Reward: 3000 G.
More monster fighting.
Send 5 of those pesky Sky Fish back to whence they came.
Rewards: Arm Recipes Lv 3 for first completion, then Cabbage Cakes (1) for repeats.
Some furious monster fighting.
Teach 5 Tundra what it means to be furious.
Reward: Arm Recipes Lv S.
Someone strong needed.
Clear out the hole she is digging in her back yard.
Reward: Arm Recipes Lv 2.
The island at the end of the world.
Find the hidden island at the far south end of the map.
Reward: Elephant Mask.
The mystery of the sunken ship.
Plunder the ship she marked for treasure. The glorious hold is stashed by the ship's wheel.
Reward: keeping the loot you found.
Ultimate curry ingredient needed.
She needs 1 vial of Devil Blood for flavor.
Reward: Ultimate Curry (1).