Items & Weapons

With so many items and weapons in Wizardy 6, and the lack of meaningful discriptions, figuring out which weapons and items you wish to use can be chore. With this list, you should be able to figure out the best weapons to choose.

Hover or tap each item for the full details.

Axe Weapons

Axe weapons are used by fighter classes and require the Axe skill to use effectively. These are not usable by Fairies.

Item Damage Value
Bearded War Axe 1 to 5 50
Battle Axe 2 to 8 100
Bipennis 4 to 14 3250
Axe of Woe 4 to 14 6500
Blades of Aesir 2 to 24 14000

Bow Weapons

Bows are ranged weapons that use the Bow skill and require Missiles to use. Unlike normal weapons, these only affect your To Hit rating and adding special effects to your attacks. The Missles will provide the damage.

Item To Hit Value
Short Bow -3 250
Long Bow +/-0 600
Vex Bow -8 800
Great Bow +2 3500
Elven Bow +2 100000
Lt. Crossbow -2 375
Hv. Crossbow +/-0 1250
Seige Arbalest +4 8000

Hands & Feet Weapons

Unlike all other weapon classes, this weapon uses the Hand & Feet skills as a modifier. These are useful to increase this skill until it is high enough to be used on its own.

Item Damage Value
Club 2 to 8 15

Mace & Flail Weapons

Mace and Flail weapons all use the same skill but contain a wide range of weapon types. Whip weapons are long-range weapons that are useful to party members in the back, while the rest are shorter ranged weapons that deal more damage.

Item Damage Value
Bullwhip 1 to 4 185
Cat'o Nine Tail 6 to 18 20000
Anointed Flail 2 to 7 140
Zizka Star 2 to 10 1400
Mace 2 to 7 65
War Sceptre 1 to 6 75
Morningstar 2 to 8 100
Mustard Mace 4 to 9 2250
Maiden Head 1 to 16 7750
Diamond Eyes 7 to 16 20000
War Hammer 2 to 6 70
Bec De Corbin 3 to 7 935
Hammer 2 to 5 15
Giant Sledge 3 to 18 350
Hammer +1.5 8 to 14 12000
Vulcan Hammer 7 to 16 15000
Nunchaka 1 to 5 145
Miner's Pick 3 to 9 -

Pole & Staff Weapons

Pole and Staff weapons are used by the strongest and weakest members of your party. Many of these weapons have an increased range making them useful to the party members in the middle of your party.

Item Damage Value
Staff 1 to 4 5
Quarterstaff 1 to 5 10
Bo 1 to 6 12
Holy Stake of Wood 1 to 5 -
Spear 1 to 6 20
Awl Pike 1 to 6 50
Spear of Death 5 to 9 3000
Hayai Bo 4 to 9 1750
Zatoichi Bo 9 to 24 100000
Halberd 1 to 10 135
Faust Halberd 6 to 18 15000
Ravens Bill 6 to 18 17500
Lance 1 to 12 450
Maenad's Lance 2 to 24 30000
Fauchard 1 to 12 2000
Naginata 1 to 12 2500
Monstrance 1 to 8 450
Holy Basher 5 to 12 12000
Rammbus Staff 6 to 12 25000
Stave of Missiles 3 to 6 750
Staff of Ruin 1 to 2 2500
Dryadic Staff 2 to 8 5000
Stave of Moons 2 to 8 5000
Staff Magicus 2 to 8 7000
Stave of Stars 2 to 8 10000
Stave of Witches 2 to 8 12500
Staff of Aram 4 to 12 -

Sling Weapons

Slings are ranged weapons that use the Sling Skill and require Missiles to use. Unlike normal weapons, these only effect your To Hit rating and adding special affects to your attacks. The Missles will provide the damage. Unlike Bows, Slings can be used by all classes and races.

Item To Hit Value
Sling +/-0 5
Wrist Rocket +3 1400

Sword Weapons

Swords are one of the most useful weapons for fighters in the game.

Item Damage Value
Inferior Sword 1 to 6 35
Short Sword 1 to 6 45
Longsword 1 to 8 60
Broadsword 2 to 8 85
Bastard Sword 3 to 9 120
Sword of Striking 1 to 8 1250
Flamberge 4 to 12 3000
Saint Bastard 7 to 13 5000
Claymore 4 to 10 600
Sword of Lading 9 to 16 2400
Zweihander 3 to 15 4000
Dragon Slayer 6 to 15 6000
Bushido Blade 4 to 16 7500
Excaliber 8 to 36 200000
Cutlass 2 to 7 50
Rapier 1 to 7 125
Sword of Hearts 5 to 11 4000
Estoc of Olivia 6 to 18 40000
Beastmaster 5 to 12 3500
Blackblade 5 to 12 5000
Blade Cuisinart 6 to 18 15000
Fang 10 to 24 25000
Sword of Fire 2 to 16 20000
The Avenger 7 to 28 50000
Wakizashi 1 to 6 240
Ninjato 2 to 8 700
Wakizashi +1 2 to 10 20000
Katana 1 to 7 400
No-Dachi 2 to 14 4000
Muramasa Blade 7 to 25 100000
Sai 4 to 8 750

Throwing Weapons

Throwing weapons are missile weapons that do not require a bow or sling to use. These are very useful to quickly do damage to enemies in the back rows of the fight.

Item Damage Value
Dirk 1 to 4 5
Ginzu Knife 3 to 6 45
Stiletto 2 to 6 85
Butterfly Axe 4 to 11 400
Shuriken 2 to 7 20
Shiken Shuri 6 to 12 500
Icicle 2 to 16 40
Bottlerocket 1 to 8 200
Skyrocket 5 to 25 350

Wand & Dagger Weapons

Daggers are useful for the thief classes, while the wands are useful for mages to cast additional spells without using their precious magic points.

Item Damage Value
Dagger 1 to 4 15
Main Gauche 1 to 5 30
Poignard 1 to 6 420
Skull Dagger 2 to 8 1500
Thieves Dagger 3 to 12 6000
Miner's Chisel 1 to 3 -
Demons Tooth 7 to 16 8000
Dagger of Ramm 3 to 7 -
Sparkler 1 to 8 15
Firecracker 3 to 24 100
Pixie Stick 2 to 8 500
Night Stick 2 to 8 1250
Faerie Stick 3 to 12 2500
Wand of Mystery 3 to 9 7000
Wand of Razing 1 to 3 8000
Wand of Weaving 3 to 9 10000
Wand of Ghosts 5 to 15 15000
Crystal Wand 3 to 9 20000
Lightning Rod 3 to 12 20000
Necrology Rod 3 to 9 25000
Rod of Sprites 4 to 16 25000
Golden Rod 3 to 12 25000


Missiles are required to use Bow and Sling weapons. These do the damage of the attack but must be purchased or found continuously to be useful.

Item Damage Value
Rhine Stone 1 1
Bullet Stone 1 to 4 1
Razor Stone 3 to 7 25
Serpent Stone 6 to 12 95
Devil Stone 4 to 16 240
Elm Arrow 1 to 6 2
Cupid Arrow 1 to 4 15
Barbed Arrow 5 to 12 25
A.P. Arrow 5 to 12 45
Viper Arrow 4 to 10 85
Mystic Arrow 6 to 18 220
Peacemaker 12 to 42 2500
Quarrel 2 to 5 3
Bone Breaker 7 to 13 115
Lightning Bolt 10 to 30 1250

Misc. Items

Misc. Items are the accessories that can be equipped to increase armour or add special effects.

Item AC Value
Shadow Cloak -1 400
Midnight Cloak -2 2500
Anointed Cloak -1 4000
Forest Cape -3 15000
Cape of Hi-Zen -3 40000
Displacer Cloak -4 200000
Bone Necklace -2 5000
Chain of Despair +2 400
Scarab Necklace -2 50000
PK Crystals -4 250000
Amulet of Night +/- 0 2500
Amulet of Air +/- 0 4500
Amulet of Winds +/- 0 10000
Amulet of Ice +/- 0 10000
Amulet of Life +/- 0 25000
Cameo Locket -4 250000
Clove of Garlic +/- 0 250
Garland of Roses -3 50000
Silver Cross -1 500
Silver Cross -1 -
Ruby Talisman -1 1250
Tora Maedate -2 5000
Mempo of Death -3 20000
Lynx Ring +/- 0 2000
Toadstone Ring +/- 0 2400
Ring of Minds +/- 0 3500
Mystic's Ring -2 5000
Ring of Speed -2 20000
Ring of Deftness -2 20000
Ring of Stars -4 100000
J.R. Decoder +/- 0 -
Wizard's Ring -1 -
Ring of Delphi +4 -
Diamond Ring -5 500000
Pol Ankh +/- 0 100
Medicine Bag -2 5000
Ankh of Phyre +/- 0 10000
Ankh of Might -1 20000
Ankh of Youth -1 25000
Ankh of Death -1 25000
Ankh of Wonder -1 50000
Ankh of Life -1 50000
Ankh of Arnie -1 50000
Ankh of Purity -1 100000
Ankh of Sanctity -1 100000
Jade Figurine -2 15000
Idol of Mau-Mu-Mu +/- 0 -
Eye-Patch +4 45
Green Parrot +/- 0 1250


Helmet items cover all items that are worn on the head.

Item AC Value
Skullcap -1 30
Faerie Cap -4 25000
Phrygian Cap -4 875
Feathered Hat -2 75
Leather Helm -3 145
Mitre -2 200
Mitre De Sanct -5 4000
Coxcomb +3 800
Ninja Cowl -2 50
Kabuto -6 700
Wizard's Cone -2 75
Mordecai's Cone -7 35000
Tricorne Hat -2 250
Mail Coif -5 350
Burgonet Helm -8 2250
Steel Helm -4 300
Bascinet -6 850
Helm & Coif -7 750
Bascinet & Camail -9 1875
Armet -10 7000
Helm of Obitus +8 15000
Heaume -12 12500
Ebony Heaume -14 50000
Goat's Mask -2 -

Body Armor

Body Armor items cover the torso area of the body.

Item AC Value
Fur Halter -2 25
Stud-Cuir Bra +2 -6 2000
Cloth Shirt -1 10
Suede Doublet -3 85
Quilt Tunic -4 175
Leather Hauberk -7 450
Studded Hauberk -8 950
Jazeraint Tunic -9 2000
Chamail Doublet -6 3500
Leather Cuirass -5 285
Bronze Cuirass -6 1000
Tarnished Mail +1 400
Chain Hauberk -9 1250
Plate Mail -10 1850
Plate Du Faux +2 2400
Full Plate -12 4000
Ebony Plate (U) -14 50000
Breastplate -8 600
Robes (U) -2 15
Robe of Enchant (U) -6 10000
Vennal Robe (U) +4 10000
Ninja Garb -3 80
Tosei-Do (U) -9 3000
Hi-Kane-Do (U) -12 20000

Leg Armor

Leg Armor items cover the hips and legs of the character.

Item AC Value
Chamois Skirt -3 25
Jazeraint Skirt -7 1750
Cloth Plants -1 10
Suede Pants -3 60
Fur Legging -4 165
Quilt Legging -4 190
Leather Legging -5 240
Hoary Legging +1 450
Stud Chausses -8 900
Chamail Pants -6 3500
Leather Greaves -6 650
Bronze Greaves -7 1450
Plate Greviere -10 1600
Hoaxial Plate +2 800
Chain Chausses -9 1150
Full Plate (L) -12 4000
Ebony Plate (L) -14 50000
Robes (L) -2 15
Robe of Enchant (L) -6 10000
Vennal Robe (L) +4 10000
Ninja Garb (L) -3 80
Tosei-Do (L) -9 3000
Hi-Kane-Do (L) -12 20000


Gauntlets cover all glove-type armour.

Item AC Value
Cuir Gauntlets -5 240
Unctuous Gloves +4 600
Chamois Gloves -3 600
Mail Mittens -6 450
Steel Gauntlets -8 1500
Copper Gloves -10 1500
Silver Gloves -12 5000
Mantis Gloves -14 20000


Boots cover all footwear worn by NPCs.

Item AC Value
Sandals -1 25
Buskins -3 50
Tabi Boots -3 85
Leather Boots -5 325
Chain Hosen -8 485
Lead Boots +5 825
Solleret -10 1650
Silver Solleret -12 5000
Sacred Slippers -6 18000
Glass Slippers -8 24000
Mantis Boots -14 20000
Water Wings -7 50000


Shields are only useable by Fighter and Thief classes and can only be used with 1-Handed weapons. These also use the Shield skill as a modifier.

Item AC Value
Buckler Shield -1 65
Round Shield -2 350
Duck Shield +2 350
Heraldic Shield -2 2500
Heater Shield -3 750
Dragon Kite -4 8000


Potions consist of healing items as well as offensive liquids thrown at enemies.

Item Spell Value
Mystery Oil Quest Item 666
Lt. Heal Heal Wounds (Power 1) 100
Mod. Heal Heal Wounds (Power 3) 250
Hv. Heal Heal Wounds (Power 6) 500
Mod. Stamina Stamina (Power 3) 85
Hv. Stamina Stamina (Power 6) 150
Cure Lt. Cnd Cure Lesser Cnd (Power 6) 200
Cure Poison Cure Poison (Power 6) 250
Cure Paralyz Cure Paralysis (Power 6) 400
Cure Stone Cure Stone (Power 6) 2000
Resurrection Resurrection (Power 6) 2500
Stink Bomb Stink Bomb (Power 2) 250
Cherry Bomb Energy Blast (Power 5) 300
Fire Bomb Fire Bomb (Power 3) 750
Poison Bomb Poison Gas (Power 3) 600
Acid Bomb Acid Bomb (Power 4) 1200
Deadly Poison Deadly Poison (Power 5) 1000
Holy Water Holy Water (Power 3) -
Holy H2O+ Holy Water (Power 5) 500


Powder are similar to offensive potions thrown in combat.

Item Spell Value
Sneeze Itching Skin (Power 3) 100
Blind Blinding Flash (Power 3) 125
Faerie Dust Sleep (Power 3) 150
Ancient Dust Weaken (Power 3) 200
Mystic Dust Create Life (Power 3) 500
Foot Powder 39 to 1486 damage 2500



Scrolls are magic spells imbued to parchment so any class can cast the spells.


Item Spell Value
Armor Shield Armor Shield (Power 2) 200
Magic Missile Magic Missile (Power 2) 400
Terror Terror (Power 4) 400
Dispel Undead Dispel Undead (Power 2) 400
Slow Slow (Power 3) 600
Knock-Knock Knock-Knock (Power 4) 600
Hold Monsters Hold Monsters (Power 3) 900
Fire Shield Fire Shield (Power 3) 900
Ice Shield Ice Shield (Power 3) 900
Armorplate Armorplate (Power 3) 1200
Enchanted Blade Enchanted Blade (Power 3) 1200
Blades Blades (Power 3) 1200
Blink Blink (Power 3) 1200
Fireball Fireball (Power 4) 1500
Illusion Illusion (Power 4) 1600
Conjuration Conjuration (Power 4) 1600
Levitate Levitate (Power 5) 2500
Lifesteal Lifesteal (Power 4) 3000
Resurrection Resurrection (Power 6) 5000


Books are used to teach spells to spellcasters. The one reading it must have high enough skill to cast the spell to learn it.

Item Spell Value
Book of Poetry - 500
Book of Airs Air Pocket (Power 6) -
Book of Mantras Stamina (Power 6) 1500
Book of Directions Direction (Power 6) 1500
Book of Dozes Sleep (Power 6) 2000
Book of Poisons Poison (Power 6) 2000
Book of Chills Chilling Touch (Power 6) 2000
Book of Lt. Curing Cure Lesser Cnd (Power 6) 2250
Book of Rapture Charm (Power 6) 2500
Book of Knocks Knock-Knock (Power 6) 2500
Book of Sloth Slow (Power 6) 2500
Book of Detection Detect Secret (Power 6) 3000
Book of Blinding Blinding Flash (Power 6) 3000
Book of Weakening Weaken (Power 6) 3000
Book of Air Shield Missile Shield (Power 6) 4000
Book of Ice Shield Ice Shield (Power 6) 5000
Book of Silence Silence (Power 6) 5000
Book of Fire Shield Fire Shield (Power 6) 5000
Book of Protection Armorplate (Power 6) 5000
Book of Identity Identify (Power 6) 7500
Book of Armormelt Armormelt (Power 6) 8500
Book of Demons Conjuration (Power 6) 12000
Book of Levitation Levitate (Power 6) 12000
Book of Widows Deadly Poison (Power 6) 15000
Book of Peace Sane Mind (Power 6) 15000
Book of Anti-Magic Anti-Magic (Power 6) 25000


These instruments can only be used by Bards, but provide unlimited casting of spells. The strength of the spells increased with the Music skill.

Item Spell Value
Harmonium Itching Skin 100
Lute Sleep 250
Angel's Tongue Bless 500
Devil's Pipe Weaken 1000
Midnight Choir Terror 2500
Pan Flute Charm 4000
Basso Lyre Slow 6000
Cuckoo Call Mental Attack 15000
Horn of Prometheus Fireball 25000
Lyre of Cakes Helpfood 250000

Other Items


Item   Value
Broken Item   -
Hv. Boulder   -
Incense   20
Roasted Corn   50
Rutabega   50
Rose Petals   100
Apple   150
Red Mushroom   250
Rock of Reflection   1000
Magic Cookie   1000
Herbal Patty   1000
Bottle W Ans + Cork   Quest Item
Bottle W Cork   Quest Item
Bottle W Msg   Quest Item
Bottle W Msg + Cork   Quest Item
Cork Bobber   Quest Item
Cylinder of Ash   Quest Item
Fishline   Quest Item
Fish Hook   Quest Item
Fishline W/Hook   Quest Item
Gloop Sploch   Quest Item
Hookah Pipe   Quest Item
Horn of Souls   Quest Item
Hv. Rope   Quest Item
Liquid Metal   Quest Item
Rope & Hook   Quest Item
Rotten Cheese   Quest Item
Rubber Band   Quest Item
Rubber Braid   Quest Item
Rubber Strand   Quest Item
Ruby Eyeball   Quest Item
Steel Hook   Quest Item
Stuffed Beagle   Quest Item
Ticket Stub   Quest Item
Tinkerbell   Quest Item
Wine Bottle   Quest Item
Bauble & Trinkets   35
Bag of Sand   Quest Item
Empty Sack   Quest Item
Broken Sprocket   Quest Item
Sprocket   Quest Item
Book of the Damned   Quest Item
Book of Ramm   Quest Item
Book of the Sirens   Quest Item
Deadman's Log   Quest Item
King's Diary   Quest Item
Wizard's Record   Quest Item
Special Message   Quest Item
Iron Key   -
Copper Key   -
B.D. Key   Quest Item
Bell Key   Quest Item
Bone Key   Quest Item
Chrome Key   Quest Item
Dungeon Key   Quest Item
East Exit Key   Quest Item
Gold Key   Quest Item
Jailer Key   Quest Item
Key of 1st Test   Quest Item
Key of A Minor   Quest Item
Key of Decision   Quest Item
Key of Drows   Quest Item
Key of Evil   Quest Item
Key of Finality   Quest Item
Key of Knights   Quest Item
Key of Minos   Quest Item
Key of Nothing   Quest Item
Key of Quandry   Quest Item
Key of Queens   Quest Item
Key of Ramm   Quest Item
Key of Spades   Quest Item
Key of Stars   Quest Item
Key of the Damned   Quest Item
Key of the Dead   Quest Item
Key of the Lost   Quest Item
Key of Valkyries   Quest Item
Key of Wizard Cave   Quest Item
North Exit Key   Quest Item
Silver Key   Quest Item
Skeleton Key   Quest Item
Spire Key   Quest Item
Tomb Key   Quest Item
Vault Key   50000
Quest Item

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