Orphanage Crisis
The Orphanage Crisis is the first major main quest of the Ruan Province. Shortly after Estelle and Joshua arrive in Ruan, the bracers must investigate the cause of a suspicious fire that has claimed one of the region's most significant structures.
Client: Bracer Guild
Pay: 3000 Mira, 5 BP
Bonus: 4 BP
Difficulty: Medium
Locations: Mercia Orphanage, Manoria, Ruan
Part 1: Looks like there was a fire at the Mercia Orphanage. Head up an investigation ASAP!
Part 2 : It seems as though Clem overheard the mayor talking about the incident and took off somewhere. He may have gone to confront the Raven Gang all by himself!
Notebook Entries
- Arrived at the orphanage, but it's been burnt to the ground...
- The matron and the children have taken refuge at the Manoria Inn.
- We need to search the premises and see what happened!
- The door hinges were ripped from their frame, before the fire...
- Part of the wall's collapsed, and there's a suspicious odor.
- Taking everything into account, this seems to be a clear case of arson.
- Let's go visit the children in Manoria Village.
- The matron and the children were rescued by a silver-haired man.
- The mayor's steward, Gilbert, has implicated the Raven Gang.
- It seems likely, but there's no evidence to support it!
- However, just as we were heading back to report our findings...
- We have to hurry back to Ruan and stop Clem!
- Doesn't seem to be on the seaway. Let's check the warehouse sector!
- The drawbridge is up! Can't get across that way...
- It seems there's a rental boat behind the hotel. If we could just borrow it, then maybe...
- We took the boat to the warehouse sector and began searching for the Raven gang hangout.
- We arrived in the nick of time! Clem is now safe and sound!
- According to Agate's extremely thorough investigation, the Raven Gang is actually.... innocent!
- Regrettably, the arson investigation was reassigned to Agate.
After a relaxing night at the Inn during the first night at Ruan, you'll learn the disturbing news about the Orphanage you visited earlier. Leave the city through the north gate and cross the Gull Seaside Way until you get to the entrance of Mercia Orphanage, just before Manoria.
As you enter the area, you will see the place is a mess, resembling nothing like it was during your initial visit. After speaking with Solomon and Zack, begin your investigation of the scene. Key areas include: the firewood for the stove scattered around the entrance, the herbs uprooted in the garden, the soil from the flower bed, the milk tank on its side, the scorched food barrels, the wrecked door, and the crumbled wall near the door.
After investigating the key areas, you have to choose one of three options regarding the cause of the fire. Your choice will determine the number of bonus points you receive at the end of the mission.
- It got caught in a forest fire. [1 BP]
- Someone set the fire on purpose. [2 BP]
- There was an accident with a lantern. [0 BP]
Once you meet up with Kloe, return to Manoria Village, and visit the matron on the second floor of the White Magnolia. After the long conversation, the second part of the mission begins with Clem running off. Choose one of the three choices of where you guess Clem fled.
- The orphanage's arsonist. [1 BP]
- Mayor Dalmore and his steward. [0 BP]
- The gang at the warehouse. [2 BP]
Race back to Ruan and try to follow Clem over the bridge to the southern area. Unfortunately, the time of the day will force you to take a detour. The boat found at the dock accessible from the lower rooms of the Hotel Blanche will let you cross the river. Once across, head to the south-east warehouse for another encounter with the gang.
This battle includes Deen, Rais, Rocco and 3 Raven Gang Members. The three leaders can invigorate other gang members, emboldened fallen comrades to return to the fight, shakedown your allies to lower their defences, and the ability to charge a devastating physical attack. Area Arts, like Stone Impact and Aerial, help reduce their numbers to prevent your party from being overwhelmed. If the leaders start charging an attack, have everyone rush to take him out before he slaughters one of your allies.
Once complete, everyone will return to the bracer guild to complete the mission. The main story will be continued in Festival Help.
After this mission, you should swap out all of your equipment for the best you can get. Also, reorganize your Quartz to use the best Arts available. Please see below for the recommended quartz use: