Trails in the Sky: The Characters Trails in the Sky: The Bestiary Trails in the Sky: Items and Equipment Trails in the Sky: Legends and Lore Trails in the Sky: Locations and Maps Trails in the Sky: The Journey and Quests Trails in the Sky: The Story and Side Quests

The Characters

Kilika Rouran

Trails in the Sky: Kilika Rouran


Kilika Rouran is the head of the Zeiss Bracer Guild. She takes her roles devoutly, ensuring that she knows everything there is to know before others do.

When the young heroic bracers first meet Kilika, she is already fully aware of who there are and why they are actually in Zeiss. With this advanced knowledge, she already obtained access to speak with the head of the Central Factory. Murdock might have information that helps them discover the truth of the Black Orbment they now possess.



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