Illnesses in Wizardry 7

Each character will be in the "OK" status for the majority of your adventure, which means they are healthy and have no ill effects upon them. Unfortunately, avoiding all illnesses on the surface of Guardia is unlikely. These effects can range from simple afraid and asleep to Insanity, Stoned and, ultimately, death. Some are healed by rest, while the more severe ones will require alchemical or magical intervention.

Wizardry 7 AfraidAfraid

Afraid characters will lose their confidence in the face of battle. Expect them to miss turns, have a weakened defence, and possibly even flee!

Cure: Cure Lesser Condition, Resting.

Each Round:
20% chance to cower in fear.
(20-Personality)% chance to run
Miss Chance +25
Evasion AC -4

Wizardry 7 AsleepAsleep

Sleeping characters are unable to attack or defend themselves. Sleeping characters will take double damage but will wake up upon feeling the pain of the attack.

Cure: Watchbells, Cure Lesser Condition, Resting.

Each Round:
Cannot Act
AC set to 15
+1 to the Damage multiplier

Wizardry 7 BlindnessBlindness

Blind characters are unable to see what is happening. They are more susceptible to attacks and are harder to connect with their weapons or spells.

Cure: Cure Lesser Condition, Resting.

Each Round:
20% chance of stumble blindly
Miss chance set to 90 (unless worse)
Target Evation AC set to 0 (Unless better)
Evasion AC set to 15
+1 to the Damage multiplier

Wizardry 7 DiseaseDisease

This illness will slowly affect the body with fatigue until it takes hold, which will cause paralysis or blindness and loss of HP. They will die if not cured.

Cure: Cure Disease (may require multiple healing if advanced). (The same symbol as Nausea, do not confuse the two!)

Each Round:
Affects 10 minutes of travel.
Chance of random negative condition
or -1 to attribute or HP.

Wizardry 7 NauseaNausea

A nauseated character may choke and gag instead of performing a desired action. While not defensless, is not useful in a fight.

Cure: Cure Lesser Condition, Resting for a longer period.

Each Round:
25% chance to Gag helplessly!
Miss Chance -25
Evasion AC -4

Wizardry 7 PoisonedPoisoned

Poison will slowly flow through the victim's bloodstream, causing the loss of health over time. Some poison will leave over time, but others require a cure.

Cure: Cure Poison, Resting (but can be dangerous).

Each Round:
Poison Damage each round.
Damage every 10 minutes when travelling.
Damage dealt according to power level.

Wizardry 7 ParalyzedParalyzed

The character cannot move when paralyzed. Like Asleep, they cannot attack or defend. A sufficient attack may jolt them back into action.

Cure: Cure Paralysis, resting for a very long time, strong hit (small chance).

Each Round:
Cannot Act
AC set to 15
+1 to the Damage multiplier

Wizardry 7 IrritationIrritation

An irritated character is inflicted by an insatiable itch making them too preoccupied to attack, defend, or speak efficiently.

Cure: Cure Lesser Condition, Resting.

Each Round:
Miss Chance -25

Wizardry 7 InsanityInsanity

Insane characters cause all control to be lost. The afflicted will do whatever its scrambled mind wants, including attacking allies. Also called Veggified.

Cure: Sane Mind, resting for a long time.

Each Round:
16% chance to Babble and Foam!
16% chance of Dancing wildly!
16% chance to Laugh hysterically!
12% chance to Run amok!

Wizardry 7 StonedStoned

The afflicted character is now a statue. While stoned, attacks still damage, so curing this state may reveal a dead character. Curing costs one vitality point.

Cure: Cure Stone.

Each Round:
Cannot Act
AC set to 15
+1 to the Damage multiplier
Armor AC set to 0 if worse

Wizardry 7 DeadDead

Dead characters have lost all their Hit Points. They will automatically lose one vitality point, meaning the death will have lasting effects even after the resurrection.

Cure: Ressurection.

Each Round:
Cannot Act