Frequently Asked Questions for Wizardry 7

How do you get past the security clearance?
What are the differences between Wizardry 7 and Wizardry Gold?
Where can I download Wizardry 7?
How do I run Wizardry 7 on Modern PCs?
Why doesn't my game sound as good as others?
What happens if you kill an NPC?
What do Cursed Items do?
How do I disarm a chest?
What does Merging do?
How and when can I change professions?
How do I navigate the character sheet?
Is there a point to Diplomacy?
Can I play with only the keyboard?
What changes when you import a save from Wizardry 6?
Do you have any Wizardry 6 saves I can import?
Where can I get cheats or save editors?
Is there a way I can ask other questions?

The walkthrough (will) contain a lot of information for Crusaders of the Dark Savant, but some questions need a section of their own to answer satisfactorily.

How do you get past the security clearance?

If you are playing any of the versions available for sale at the time of this guide, you can press enter to bypass it. These versions are pre-patched, so players don't need to search for the answers.

For the game's original release, the game would direct you to the manual to find a word to start a new game. If you get the game from many online stores, only a manual for Wizardry Gold is available, which is not the same. You can get a PDF version of the original Wizardry 7 manual here. Just skip to the correct page, count the paragraphs, lines, then words to find the answer it needs.

What are the differences between Wizardry 7 and Wizardry Gold?

Wizardry Gold was created for Windows 98, while Wizardry 7 required DOS. While not that big of a deal now since we now have the emulator DOSBOX, which emulates DOS games almost perfectly, it made a significant difference in experience and playability at the time. Wizardry 7 and Wizardry Gold are the same game, even with the same import and export abilities, but Wizardry Gold has a few changes that make it the lesser of the two options.

The first change most players notice is the interface changes. The look of the game has new avatars and smoother graphics compared to Wizardry 7 but has a massive border around it, preventing a full-screen appearance.

Another new addition is voice acting. While revolutionary at the time, the voice acting was abysmal compared to modern standards. Sometimes the voice replaces the text dialogue, so you can't read what they are saying when they are difficult to understand. It also prevents quickly skipping text dialogue if you have already read it by forcing the speech to finish before continuing. Combat text also blinks on the screen so fast that you can hardly read it in Gold.

Wizardry Gold has different default starting characters with upgraded classes, making it more appealing for newcomers who didn't play Wizardry 6. Wizardry 7's characters are just basic character classes, which provides more of a challenge at the start.

Mapping and Diplomacy skills are useless in the Gold version. The game will auto-map for you as you move, regardless of your skills, as long as you have a Journey Map Kit. This mapping kit is also in a chest close to the starting point. Diplomacy doesn't work as it should, so players must focus on Personality, Karma, and how deep the gold is in their pockets.

The last difference is all the bugs. No not more bug-type enemies, but crashes, events that don't trigger, and more crashes occur in Wizardry Gold. They did fix a few of the Wizardry 7's minor bugs but replaced them with worse ones.

Most players prefer the original Wizardry 7 experience instead of playing Wizardry Gold.

Where can I download Wizardry 7?

As of the time of this guide, Wizardry 7: Crusaders of the Dark Savant is available for purchase and download from Steam and GOG. Both come with a copy of Wizardry 6 as well.

How do I run Wizardry 7 on Modern PCs?

The versions sold are pre-patched or bundled with DOSBOX, so they run without issues on modern Windows. DOSBOX is also available for many other operating systems but can take extra work to run.

Why doesn't my game sound as good as others?

While Sound Blaster, the default settings, may sound as if they would be the best, they aren't. The PC Speaker setting is highly recommended for Effects as it provides the best variety. Choose either Sound Blaster or Roland LAPC-1 for the music.

You may need to change your DOSBox configuration if you hear popping sounds. As there are multiple versions of DOSBox, depending on where you get the game and the software, you may need to change the dosbox_wizardry7.conf file. Just right-click it and open it in Notepad. Search for [speaker] and replace the settings there with the following:


This should remove any poor sound and make the game sound the best. If it doesn't, it may be an issue with the version of DOSbox you are using.

What happens if you kill an NPC?

The same thing happens when you kill a person in the real world. I know, impressive immersion for a game so old. Any slain NPC will remain so and will never come back. Killing NPCs is a great way to prevent yourself from finishing the game.

What do Cursed Items do?

A cursed item, once equipped, cannot be removed from your character without a Remove Curse spell. These items may be beneficial, debilitating, deadly, or have no other effect. These usually provide extra abilities or do additional damage, too, so using them is sometimes helpful. Some cursed items are needed to complete the game, so be careful before abandoning them.

How do I disarm a chest?

Disarming requires a strong Skulduggery skill. When you encounter a chest, use Inspect to check for traps. Click and HOLD on the Inspect button to let the character inspect their trap. A small coloured square next to inspect will indicate your success rate. Green and Yellow indicate you might disarm it, while Red means you will set it off. I recommend taking notes of what you see while holding it down.

* Is part of the trap.

? Might be part of the trap.

- Indicates it isn't used.

Disarm Trap menu

Now that you have the information gathered from inspecting the trap, scroll through the list of possible traps to find one that is the closest to the inspection pattern found. Unfortunately, depending on the skill, your character might be wrong.

The numbers at the top indicate the order of symbols you need to press. You might want to recheck those colours before proceeding. If it is red, best cancel until you are better skilled.

What does Merging do?

Merging can do many things in Wizardry 7. The most common use for merging is to make a group of the same items. If you have two groups of 100 arrows, you can merge them into one group of 200 arrows. The max size of these is 250, so anything more than this will automatically create a second pile of what is left over. Alternatively, the merge option can also split a stack into equal groups, which is helpful when sharing stones or arrows between your group.

You can also combine two items into a new thing using Merge. You may even need to merge items with different items in a specific order to get the desired item. This type of merging isn't used much in the game but is needed to complete it.

The latest ability of Merge is to reload firearms. These weapons only hold a small amount of ammo and need to be merged with its ammo to fire. While these ranged weapons are powerful, you must spend an entire round reloading them when depleting their ammo.

How and when can I change professions?

To begin changing a character's profession, click on the character's portrait to open their character window, then click their name. Here you can rename them, change the picture, and change your profession. Since each job has specific minimum requirements, the game will hide the ones if that character is not ready for it.

As soon as you change to a new role, you will stop learning the abilities of the old profession and start as a level 1 character of the new one. The statistics will also drop to minimum job requirements, but they will learn quickly to catch up to the pack. Because of this enormous change, I recommend changing classes somewhere safe and with easier enemies. Also, don't change your entire party at once.

The characters can change professions anytime if they have the required statistics. I recommend changing your class frequently to ensure your party is ready for everything Guardia throws at them. Typically around level 10 is a good time for a new career.

How do I navigate the character sheet?

Navigating the character sheet can be confusing since there is no indication of what each item represents.

To access any character's information, click on their character portrait from their party slot on the sides of the screen.


The top left will show their image. Clicking on this image will change the next character in your party. Around the portrait are the basic stats, gold and carrying capacity (CC).

Clicking on the candle of life next to them displays their age, the amount of experience needed for the next level, and how many times they have perished.

Your character's rank, total experience and kills are shown on the top-right.

Lastly, clicking the name below the portrait will provide access to rename the character, change their picture, and progress their profession.


To the right of the stats is a shield. Clicking it will show the current skills of the character. You can navigate it through the Weaponry, Physical and Academia buttons on the bottom. Return to the character sheet by pressing Exit.


Below the portrait is their inventory. When clicking an item, it will attach to your mouse cursor. Clicking on Use below the list will allow you to use things like potions, keys, or other usable items.

Assay will provide information on the item that is selected.

Merge allows the combining of stackable items (such as arrows) and merging items (when available).

The Drop button will place the item on the ground in the spot where your party stands. It will remain there until too many things exist in the world - so be cautious about using it for storage; the limit is around 125 loose objects.

A swag bag also exists for your inventory. You can interact with it by clicking the bag next to the chest and armour on the character sheet. To move an item, click the item, select the bag, then put it in a swag slot. Things can be brought back into inventory in the same way.

You can also trade items by selecting an item, then clicking the portrait to jump to the character that needs the object, then dropping it into their inventory or swag bag (or even equip it on the fly if you have enough room in the inventory).

Equipping Items:

To equip something, click on the item to select it, then the suit of armour on the right side. It will change the armour values shown on the right side if it is armour. (Remember that the lower the armour value, the better.)

It will ask which hand you want to place the item in if it is a weapon. Shields will always take the second slot.

Using Magic:

The bottom-right corner will provide access to the six schools of magic. Clicking on a school will list its known spells and allows casting them.

You can exit the character sheet by clicking EXIT beside the armour or pressing the escape key.

Is there a point to Diplomacy?

The Diplomacy Skill is essential when speaking with NPCs in Wizardry 7. If you aren't diplomatic enough, the game checks the character's Personality and Karma instead. While some NPCs accept people with the correct Personality, it may require spending gold or a charm spell instead. It is possible to complete the game without Diplomacy, but it may require missing out on some optional quests or spending more time farming for gold and casting spells.

Charm or bribe the NPC that will not deal with your party for best results, then try to negotiate with them. If successful, your approval with the faction will increase. It may stay near the same or drop if it is unsuccessful. Depending on the hidden approval rating with the faction, it may require several successful interactions. Dealing with NPCs that trade with you will also improve your faction rating a bit.

If you are playing Wizardry Gold, ignore the Diplomacy skill as it doesn't work correctly.

Can I play with only the keyboard?

While the game is designed around a mouse-only experience, some options are available through the keyboard. Unfortunately, you will be stuck with the mouse for much of the game, including combat.

When in the character sheet, other keyboard shortcuts exit to navigate the screens:

What changes when you import a save from Wizardry 6?

There are three different starting areas of Wizardry 7. Two are only for when you import a save game, and the third is shared for a game import and a new group of characters. The story will also alter slightly, depending on your path from Wizardry 6.

Since you can bring some high-levelled items from the previous game, characters can also be stronger and more prepared at the start. This advantage entirely depends on what the characters have equipped on the final save. It might be best to import, check your inventory, then load the save in Wizardry 6 to swap some equipment to ensure you aren't left defenceless.

Some of the items imported from the last game are also useful in Wizardry 8, making it more worthwhile in the long run.

Do you have any Wizardry 6 saves I can import?

Yes, these saves may not be the best, but they can still help you get started in the game and make progress. You can download them all zipped here.

Belaimp.BCF > You left with Bela.

Forgeimp.BCF > You took the Cosmic Forge.

Shipimp.BCF > You killed them all and left on the ship by yourself.

Where can I get cheats or save editors?

I had to think hard even to put this question here, but with how frequently I was asked this from Wizardry 6, I decided to include it.

Many editors and patches are available for Wizardry 7, but they are risky and not recommended. Not only does using them take away from the experience of the game, but they all have a risk of breaking your game. If you still want to try, I recommend searching for the CosmicForge Editor, as it has many pre-loaded patches, but beware, as using them can have consequences and prevent you from completing the game.

Is there a way I can ask other questions?

Absolutely! Use the Contact Us option at the bottom of this page. Please be sure to include Wizardry 7 somewhere in the email so I know which game you are playing.