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Locations & Maps

Jenis Royal Academy

Jenis Royal Academy


The Jenis Royal Academy the main center of higher learning for all of Liberl. Dean Collins, the headmaster, runs this prestigious establishment and is proud of the current and past students' achievements. With the help of the student council, faculty and nearby citizens, he puts on grand festivals that attract crowds from all over the land.

The current academy is located at the end of the Jenis Royal Academy, which connects to the Gull Seaside Way just north of Ruan. Currently, it houses separate buildings for Boy's and Girl's Dormitories, an Auditorium, Clubhouse and the main Schoolhouse. Further to the east, you can find the remains of the old Schoolhouse, now abandoned.

During the academy festival, five temporary shops will open around the academy. These shops are only available during the times the festival is active. See the information on these shops here.


Map of Jenis Royal Academy:

Jenis Royal Academy Map Vista Forest Road Boy's Dormitory Clubhouse Schoolhouse Auditorium Girl's Dormitory


Supporting Characters at Jenis Royal Academy:

Inhabitants of Jenis Royal Academy:


Argyle is a student at Jenis Royal Academy who is currently enrolled in the Social Studies class.


Alice is a student at Jenis Royal Academy who is currently enrolled in the Humanities class.


Deborah runs the cafeteria in the Clubhouse building of the Jenis Royal Academy.


Dennis is a student of Natural Sciences at the Jenis Royal Academy. He is very devoted to his studies, often spending hours every evening reviewing the material for the next class.


Fuana is the receptionist at the Jenis Royal Academy. She will be found often at the desk on the main floor of the Schoolhouse.


Felicity is a student of Natural Sciences at the Jenis Royal Academy. She is a good friend of Reina who helps her learn her limits.


Gerome is the son of Ciel and Lytton, and older brother of Eletta. While he returns home during breaks in his studies of Natural Sciences at Jenis Royal Academy he takes care of his little sister.

Janitor Parkes

Parkes maintains and keeps the Jenis Royal Academy clean and tidy. He dislikes it when students return late in the day since it keeps him busy far into evening and night.


Kaden is a student at Jenis Royal Academy who is currently enrolled in the Humanities class. He drinks far too much coffee, especially when he is creating uniforms and decorations.


Logic is student of the Jenis Royal Acedemy, and the son of Noria and Portos. He is currently learning the the Social Studies class.


Mickey is a very lazy student of Mr. Effor's Physical Education at the Jenis Royal Academy. He is often caught avoiding helping other students, especially festival work.


Monika is a student of Social Studies at the Jenis Royal Academy. She also takes part in the archery club.

Mr. Effort

Mr. Effort teaches the Physical Education classes at Jenis Royal Academy. He also patrols the Boy's Dormitory in the evening.

Mr. Ratio

Mr. Ratio educates students on in the Humanities classroom at Jenis Royal Academy. He is the son of Mayor Kraus and Mylene in Rolent.

Ms. Millia

Ms. Millia instructs in the Natual Sciences classroom at Jenis Royal Academy.

Ms. Wiola

Ms. Millia is professor of Social Studies at Jenis Royal Academy. She also patrols the Girl's Dormitory in the evening.


Nikita attends Jenis Royal Academy to take Natural Sciences, and often visits neighboring Ruan during the school breaks to help her sister Eva.


Purity is a student of Humanities at the Jenis Royal Academy.


Reina is a student of Natural Sciences at the Jenis Royal Academy. She enjoys reminding Felicity what her limits are, mainly because she enjoys the reactions she gets.


Rhody is a student of Humanities at the Jenis Royal Academy. He also takes part in the archery club.


Richelle is a student of Humanities at the Jenis Royal Academy. She also takes part in the fencing club.


Roy is a student of Social Studies at the Jenis Royal Academy. He also takes part in the archery club.


Taylor is a student of Humanities at Jenis Royal Academy. She also takes part in Social Studies activities.


Thelma is a student of Social Studies at Jenis Royal Academy. She also takes part in the archery club.


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