Trails in the Sky: The Characters Trails in the Sky: The Bestiary Trails in the Sky: Items and Equipment Trails in the Sky: Legends and Lore Trails in the Sky: Locations and Maps Trails in the Sky: The Journey and Quests Trails in the Sky: The Story and Side Quests

Locations & Maps

Verte Bridge

Verte Bridge

The Verte Bridge is the checkpoint between the Bose and Rolent regions of the Liberl Kingdom. This is one of the main gates in the game that limits which regions you have access to as you progress through the game.

When you first discover this region, you will only have access to the Rolent side of the bridge via Milch Main Road, which CWO Ashton leads the defense of the bridge with the help of Privates Scott and Harold.

The Bose side is guarded by Private Antose and Lacos lead by WO Dyne. Access to this side and the East Bose Highway is available at the beginning of Chapter 1.

Map of Verte Bridge:

Verte Bridge Map East Bose Highway Milch Main Road

Inhabitants of Verte Bridge:

Trails in the Sky: Chief Warrant Officer AshtonChief Warrant Officer Ashton

Chief Warrant Officer Ashton is the leading officer of the Rolent side the Verte Bridge. Only two privates are stationed under him, Harold and Scott. He is also the hero and father of Luke and husband of Maggy in Rolent.

Trails in the Sky: Private AntosePrivate Antose

Private Antose is one of the guards protecting the Bose side of the Verte Bridge.

Trails in the Sky: Private HaroldPrivate Harold

Private Harold is one of the guards protecting the Rolent side of the Verte Bridge. Before joining the army, he used to work at a farm. He also enjoys fishing and reading books. If you talk to him when you first head to Bose, he will give you Carnelia – Chapter 2.

Trails in the Sky: Private LacosPrivate Lacos

Private Lacos is one of the guards protecting the Bose side of the Verte Bridge.

Trails in the Sky: Private ScottPrivate Scott

Private Scott is one of the guards protecting the Rolent side of the Verte Bridge. He finds his job extremely boring since he spends his shift standing at the gate.

Trails in the Sky: Warrant Officer DyneWarrant Officer Dyne

Warrant Officer Dyne is the leading officer of the Bose side the Verte Bridge. Only two privates are stationed under him, Antose and Lacos. He keeps a nifty Orbment Charging Station within his office.


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