Trails in the Sky: The Characters Trails in the Sky: The Bestiary Trails in the Sky: Items and Equipment Trails in the Sky: Legends and Lore Trails in the Sky: Locations and Maps Trails in the Sky: The Journey and Quests Trails in the Sky: The Story and Side Quests

Locations & Maps

Gurune Gate

Gurune Gate

The Gurune Gate is Rolent entrance of the Ahnenburg Wall, which protects the city of Grancel. To the west connects the Royal Avenue, with the Elize Highway to the east.




Map of Gurune Gate:

Gurune Gate Map Elize Highway Royal Avenue Elize Highway

Inhabitants of Gurune Gate:

Trails in the Sky: Chief Warrant Officer RobinChief Warrant Officer Robin

Chief Warrant Officer Robin is in charge of the troups stationed at the Gurune Gate. He will be found pacing around the main floor of Gurune Gate.

Trails in the Sky: ClaireEmily

Emily is works at the shop near the Rolent entrance of Gurune Gate. She would love to check out other recipes at the Royal City, but the only items she sells are French Fries and a Vegetable Sandwich.

Trails in the Sky: Private AndenPrivate Anden

Private Anden is a guard working at the Gurune Gate. He operates the checkpoint desk on near the Rolent entrance. Thanks to the sudden lack of airships, his job has become significantly busier.

Trails in the Sky: Private SelbournePrivate Barranco

Private Barranco guards the Zeiss side of Garune Gate.

Trails in the Sky: Private EthanPrivate Ethan

Private Ethan is a guard working at the Rolent Entrance of Gurune Gate. He will be found on the south side of the gate.

Trails in the Sky: Private LoganPrivate Logan

Private Logan is a guard working at the Rolent Entrance of Gurune Gate. He will be found on the north side of the gate.

Trails in the Sky: Private SelbournePrivate Selbourne

Private Selbourne is the guard patrolling the southern wall of Gurune Gate.

Trails in the Sky: Private SelbournePrivate Stoll

Private Stoll guards the Zeiss side of Garune Gate.

Trails in the Sky: Private ThomasPrivate Thomas

Private Thomas is the guard patrolling the roof of Gurune Gate.

Trails in the Sky: SamSam

Sam runs the Inn of the Gurune Gate. He charges 20 Mira for a night.

Trails in the Sky: SamWarrant Officer Graves

Warrant Officer Graves is the second-in-command atthe Gurune Gate. He loves to eat fish.

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