Crimson Tear

Rune Factory: Tides of Destiny Game Guide



Rune Factory: Tides of Destiny Violet




Violet is the youngest of the three sisters. She may be a bit shy, but it doesn't stop her from helping people and running the clinic at the church. She obviously has a crush on Aden.


Birthday: 3rd of Winter


Gift Ideas:

Loves: Emery Flower
Flowers, Colored Grass, Medicinal Herb, Pickles
Insect Skin










A flower to share.

Her gift to you for completing the main story.

Reward: Pom-Pom Flower (1).


Help me make an offering.

Bring the Spring Flower she gives you to the Dragon Shrine. Just have it in your hands when approaching it.

Reward: Spring Flower (1).


I have something to give.

She has a gift for you.

Reward: Pharmacy Recipes Lv 2.


I need help with a patient.

Get Gerard to drink the Grass Juice.

Reward: Gerard will give you 5 glasses of Grass Juice, and Violet another 9.


I need some medicinal herbs.

Bring her a Red Grass, a Blue Grass and a Yellow Grass.

Reward: Vegetable Juice (1).


I'm looking for medicinal herbs.

Bring her either a Medicinal Herb or Moondrop.

Reward: Formuade (1).


Not urgent, but...

Find and pick all the weeds at the Dragon Shrine.

Reward: Toyherb (3).


Please help.

This is a love interest request for Aden Only!

Bring her any flower.

Reward: Fruit Au Lait (1).


The small island to the east.

Visit the Water Shrine she marked on your map.

Reward: Protein Boost (1).


To everyone feeling under the weather.

Talk to her while sick. (Staying up all night will normally do the trick)

Reward: Cold Medicine (5).


Urgent! Lend a hand!

This is a love interest request for Aden Only!

Bring the Cold Medicine she gives you to Lily, Odette, Gerard, Quinn and Kelsey.

Reward: Carpentry Recipes Lv S.



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