Trails in the Sky: The Characters Trails in the Sky: The Bestiary Trails in the Sky: Items and Equipment Trails in the Sky: Legends and Lore Trails in the Sky: Locations and Maps Trails in the Sky: The Journey and Quests Trails in the Sky: The Story and Side Quests

The Characters


Trails in the Sky: Lewey

Lewey, son of Figaro, is a young boy who lives in Ravennue Village. While many are skeptical of what a child says he sees at night, he is glad to know that there are some that will take the time to listen and believe. Everyone in town thought he was telling a tale when he said he saw something in the sky on the night of the Disappearance of the Linde, but a group of brave and smart Bracers believed him and proved that he was right.



Chapter 1: Playing between Emile General Goods and The Moonlight Path in Ravennue Village.
Chapter 1 (After Nial): Alone at orchard dock in Ravennue Village.
Chapter 1 (During Mine): Playing between Emile General Goods and The Moonlight Path in Ravennue Village.


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